
Cool Collections: John’s Monsters

I LOVE it when folks share their collections with me, especially when it’s stuff near and dear to my heart like Monster toys. John was kind enough to give us a peak into his lair today and it’s a drool worthy assortment of old and new, more after the jump. If you dare! A lot […]

Tomland Star Raiders Archive Launches

Tomland (a UK Company who was in the Marx family of companies) marketed these fun and strange 8 inch mego-like action figures under a variety of names but the best known is “Star Raiders” which were obviously meant to cash in on the renewed interest in Sci Fi thanks entirely to “Star Wars” coming on […]

Creepy! Gruesome! Awesome.

PS reader Robb sent in these awesome pictures from his collection to add to the AHI World Famous Supermonsters section of the site. These are the slightly smaller versions of the monster jigglers on their original cards which Robb has owned since childhood, absolutely stunning. Not many kids saved their toys, let alone rack toys […]

Monster Contest Winners Announced

Last week, if you recall I held a contest for my newly printed Monster trading cards, folks just had to answer this question Who is your favourite Monster? Well I got so many great replies (although I’m sorry, the correct answer was Frankenstein 😉) and I’m happy to announce that everybody who entered gets a […]

Even more Monster Love at Plaid Stallions

In my quest to improve the site I actually updated two galleries so much that I thought it deserved it’s own Friday update, both relate to my personal obsession with cataloging 70s Monster Toys. Firstly, I’ve finally expanded the  Azrak Hamway Monsters section of the site and given everything galleries including other stuff like the Jigglers, windups, […]

Cool Collections: Sammy

I got a cool Halloween Treat this week froim my pal Sammy from the Mego forum, he was kind enough to get into the Spooky spirit by sharing his collection of Aurora Monster kits and AHI Super Monsters. Both of these are like kryptonite to me, so check out all the fun after the jump: […]

The Tomland Mini Monsters

Happy to showcase these weird little figures, produced in 1979 by a UK company called Tomland (under the umbrella of Marx) these stylin’ mini monsters were based on my beloved Lincoln International Monsters. I don’t know why and I honestly don’t care, I’m just pleased that they were. Tomland made their own 8″ versions of […]

Gre-Gory is a loser?

From the “parents just don’t understand” file, I bring you a 1980 report crapping on a toy that any ten year old knows to be awesome, Gre-Gory the Vampire bat. The group questioned it’s play value? It’s big bat filled with blood, do I need to spell it out for you? I can’t go a […]

Create a Monster

Monogram really did create a monster when they reissued these classic Aurora Monster kits in 1983, unfortunately that monster was me and I still get crazy whenever I see these. I hope these kits never stop being reissued.

Monsterous Mego

I can’t go a Halloween season without extolling the virtue of this fun line of Action figures by 70s giant Mego. Despite not having the license to the Universal characters Mego created a truly fun set of Monster toys that embody the spirit if not the look of their silver screen counterparts. The packaging and […]