
Build your own Star Fleet command!

Anyone who has read this blog knows how many of these kits I ruined with my lack of talent/patience as a kid. I think that bridge got reissued in the early nineties and I still messed it up! These days, I just love them from afar… Visit the 1975 AMT models Catalog

Freaky Riders?

I may be a novice but I recognize the work of Ed Roth being rereleased here. Jon Kricfalusi should really be given these characters for an animated series…

Hardy Boys in 3D

While I have no doubt the show was a hit with teenagers, I’m not sure if model car building male teenagers were the ones that would appreciate minature versions of Parker Stevenson and Shaun Cassidy inside their van. Vans of course, were completely integral to mystery solving teams during the entire decade thanks to stringent regulations created by […]

Triple Shot of Star Trek Model KIts

This amazing three pack of Star Trek model kits featuring The Enterprise (no clue as to why it’s silver), Shuttle Galeilo (A kit I ruined twice, thank you) and the incredibly awesome Mr Spock kit was only $8 back in 1974. I’m buying my son the Spock reissue this Christmas, I imagine it’ll cost me […]

Monster Model Day

A tradition in my house every October is Monster Model day, where I get the kids together and we paint a couple of Aurora reissues and use them as our centerpiece for the month. Above is last years, I had a lot of trouble finding kits locally so I actually bought this years kits when […]

Gigantics Invade Model Kit Market

The Gigantics kits by Fundimensions are one of the coolest model kit concepts EVER! In 1975, fundimensions went to back to 1950s cinema with a series of giant insects attacking urban areas. I somehow missed these when they were first released, only discovering them in the mid 1980s when I grabbed the wasp kit at […]

Six Million Dollar Man Models

I have a fond memory of these kits, there was a “Bionic Bust-Out” in my local variety store from the day they came out up until I graduated high school. I always planned on buying it but never did, I still sometimes go there to see if it’s accidently buried on a shelf…. Here’s Lee […]

Apes by the Truck Load

1974 saw the deluge of Apechandise as evidenced by this great newspaper ad, with the cancellation of the series in 1975 would see this stuff go on clearance. When I started toy collecting in the early eighties, you could find discounted Apes merchandise in almost every convience store in Toronto, it was a good time […]

Save on Model Kits

Aurora Comic Scene Models are a really happy part of my childhood seeing as my Dad sold them for a while and as a result, I had a good supply. I sucked at model building (still kinda do) and used them more as action figures, which I think a lot kids did. The Apes kits […]