
Dr. Steel Trading Card

Card #19 is Big Jim’s “greatest challenge” Dr. Steel. I still remember seeing the commercial for the first time as a kid, I was in my parents room watching Gene Roddenberry’s “Planet Earth” on the black and white one Saturday afternoon when it aired. Big Jim had an enemy? He has a silver hand and […]

Vintage Commercial Friday

I’ve uploaded a couple of commercials from volume 2 of our DVD “70s Toy Explosion“(thanks so much to everybody who ordered BTW) and thought it’d be cool to share them today. It’s fun aaaaand so much less time consuming than scanning an actual catalogue. This commercial for the Barbie Star Traveller is of interest of […]

70s Toy Explosion Volume 2

Sorry, this is a shill post.Thanks to a good find and the amazing help of my pal Dave, I’m releasing another volume of 1970s toy commercials all transferred from the original 16 mm reels. The majority of these are from 1979 and from Mego, Mattel and Kenner. Stretch Monster Barbie Superstar Traveler (Judy “Dyna Girl” […]

1977 Big Jim Catalog from Spain

While Big Jim rode off into the sunset on the back of a Howler motorcycle in 1976 in North America, his story does not end. In much of Europe, Big Jim enjoyed much more success, actually running until the mid 1980s. 1977, Big Jim was carried in Spain by a company called Congost, who carried […]


One of the things that bother me about Barbie is the fact that her hands can’t hold anything, not that I’d go on a shopping spree if she did mind you. I was surprised to find out that in 1973, an opposable thumb was actually a selling feature on both her and Ken. I’m surprised […]

SLIME: No Redeeming Social Merit But it Sells

August 5 1977– Slime is not a B film playing second bill to “Sheba, the Slug Queen” at the local drive-in. It is, rather, a moist, sticky, six-ounce gob of gelatinous goo. It looks like something extremely rude.The novelty item also sticks to drapes, carpets, furniture and hair. And it sells. “We can’t keep it […]

Big Jim for 1972

In the early seventies, Mattel toys had a big hit on their hands with Big Jim, a nine inch muscle bound sports hero/man’s man who came packaged in his underpants. Jim’s entire structure was mostly built on non violent, positive activities such as sports and outdoor adventures. This seems to be the result of parental […]

A Goulish Gallery of Values

It’s refreshing to see this many monster toys on a Christmas catalog page, usually they get kind of dismissed or marginalized as being “seasonal”. The only thing missing is some slime. While I’ve blogged about Gre-Gory being the one that got away for me as a kid and my obsession with the Remco Monsters is […]

Copter Envy

Although I never had Vertibird or any of the licensed Remco CSF Copters, I lived vicariously through the kids who did. Does anybody remember a version of this you could play in an arcade? It was in a big dome and you had to hunt a UFO, this was pre Space Invaders obviously. I sometimes […]

Colouring Book Theatre: Big Jim

Sharry brought me this welcome site this week, another wonderful piece of toy tie in merchandising from the era before toy based cartoons. Big Jim was Mattel’s response to parental outrage to war toys in the late sixties (which also made G.I. Joe an adventurer) here was a good natured sportsman who enjoyed things like […]