
Colouring BooK Theatre: Spiderman’s Christmas

Spider-Man’s Christmas: Giant Story Colouring Book by Marvel Books I found this book at a flea market the other and seeing how it’s Christmas, I spent the money and nabbed this gigantic book from 1984. It’s done in ’84 by the Marvel Bullpen so it’s nicely done rip of the Parkes Run books from the […]

colouring book theatre: The Incredible Hulk

The Incredible Hulk: Giant Story Colouring Book by Parkes Run I recently discovered photos of this book, taken in 2011 at my pal Jeff’s store Kool Stuff Toys. Parkes Run made these giant  books in the late 70s and I remember getting at least one for Christmas. In order to use this for CBT I […]

The Incredible Hunh?

Clark sent in these shots of him and his sister Stef from the Harrisburg Auto Show meeting “The Hulk” and well, this is the worst and most awesome thing I have ever seen. I’m positive this Hulk was not endorsed in any way by Marvel comics as it would give Stan Lee nightmares. I can […]

The Amazingly Late Spider-Man

My pal Lynch sent me this absolutely awesome press photo which explains that Spidey rolled into this JC Penney 90 minutes late, not even a robot that throws candy could quell their Spider-Mania . If you’re into all things Spider-Man, check out this neat video put together by Lynch. It shows a kid’s Spider-Man costume from the […]

Spider-Man’s great adventure

Shawn is my superhero this month for submitting this month’s first Superhero appearance photo. Here he is mid 1970s at Great adventure with Spidey, more from Shawn next week. Send me your mall appearance photos!

The Incredible Hulk Kit

I found this item at a Toy show yesterday, what attracted me to it wasn’t that it was Hulk related (more of Captain America guy) but that it was weird and I’d never seen one before. It’s also a television related piece which don’t pop up that often. The back shows the second poster, I […]


Ben broke my month long drought of Superhero Mall Appearance Pictures with this terrific picture of him with Spider-man at Cavalier Square Shopping Center in Hopewell, VA. He notes this is probably 1978-1979. Note the cameo by Jerry Lewis. As you can see, Ben chose his attire wisely by wearing a shirt that I wished I’d […]

1981 Ben Cooper Costume Catalog

Halloween around here wouldn’t be the same without the store bought goodness that is Ben Cooper. If you were a child of the 70s or 80s, then you certainly knew their product. Cooper held some of the great licenses in 1981 including the Disney characters, both the DC and Marvel comics Superheroes, Clash of the […]

Captain America will be here on….

The folks at Good Old Vintage sent over a snap of this awesome Captain America appearance poster, sadly it’s already been sold. As a collector of such things, it’s amazing to see a poster for Cap, who likely less in demand than Spider-Man. I heart this…. Send me your mall appearance photos!