
1979 Craftmaster Poster Art Catalog

Poster and marker sets were one of my favourite ways to spend an afternoon as a kid (cause that’s about how long the markers would last). I also recently have become invested in tracking down all the ones I had as a kid. Craftmaster had all the best licenses in the late 70s which included […]

Love Boat Puffy Stickers

Technical issues are blocking your regularly scheduled Friday catalog feature. As I tried to do repairs, I found these under my desk.  I have no recollection of purchasing these but frankly I’m not terribly surprised, especially seeing as one of them is a big delicious picture of Ted Lange. Happy Friday everyone! I’m off to […]

The Looooooooove Boat Plaaaaaayset

As much as I do not regret one minute of those Saturday night “Love Boat/Fantasy Island” fests I had as a kid (especially when they CROSSED OVER, which was like Batman joining the Avengers) I just never really got the need for stuff like the Mego action figures or this little set from Multiple. Although, […]

Love Boat Barber Shop

When I posted last month about the Popeye shaving set, some of you were quick to point out that there were several classic connections to Popeye and shaving. Fine, I’ll surrender that and give you all a point. Perhaps some of you can now please elaborate for me how Love Boat, a show about where […]