
Doll Squad 2001

After the great catostrophe of 1996, a group of bionically enhanced woman are on the run from their cruel overlords, watch them encounter a new civilization each week Friday nights at 9 on ABC…

The Ultimate Buddy Cop Team

The generation gap, comedy/drama cop series “Jumpsuit & Hoody” ran for two seasons on the ABC network, it was eventually replaced in 1981 by a new law enforcement show entitled “Leg Warmers and Parachute Pants on patrol”

Nursery School Nightmares

In the 70’s, the folks in the jumpsuit industry must have been rolling in it. There is something so weird about that red CB inspired pit crew looking jumpsuit, like the pockets are for Skoal or something .What I was doing 32 years ago Department: I’m pretty jazzed about the first day of school for […]

Bring Back the Jumpsuit!

As a form of protest, these ladies will stand on one leg until the Jumpsuit is brought back as a fashion “do” item. New on DVD this Week:First and Foremost, I have to rave about Spaced, a late nineties UK series about a group twenty somethings. You’ll recognize much of the cast from Shaun of […]

Welcome to the Future!

Good Morning, Welcome to the year 2008. At your front door will be a box containing your new speed suit, we hope this mandatory, durable garment will provide you comfort in the fabulous world of tomorrow.If you wish to exchange your speed suit for another colour be sure to tell us whether you prefer white […]

Let your light shine in a sexy jumpsuit

That is the greatest catalogue copy ever, let your light shine? Having worn a jumpsuit once (It was Halloween) I think a better tagline would be “Proudly display your genitals in a binding jumpsuit” but that’s probably why I don’t write catalogue copy for a living.Oh Shit, I do…..