
Pod Stallions Episode 23: Monster Movies

As we are both lovers of Monster Cinema or some call it “Creature Features” it makes sense for J and B to count down their top ten favourite Monster movies. By favourite, we do not mean “best” or greatest, just our personal favourites. Our top tens vary wildly which makes for an interesting discussion, Jason […]

Spotlight: Phantom of the Paradise Blu ray

I haven’t done a spotlight review since the winter, mostly because honestly, I don’t buy that many new things these days and people rarely send me review stuff. Lucky for me, something crossed my path I just couldn’t avoid. Ever since my (largely irresponsible) older cousin let me watch Phantom of the Paradise at the […]

The Day the Scary Creatures Took Over the World

I wanted to save this until Halloween but I just can’t wait the 7 months to show this off. This is one of the greatest 70s Rack Toy displays I’ve ever seen, mostly because it looks like an amalgam of every single “movie for a Sunday afternoon” that scared the living crap out of me […]