
Toy-Ventures: Toy Hunting @ The Great American Garage Sale!

‘Toy-Ventures goes on tour as we head to Western New York and visit the Great American Garage Sale and That 80s Toy Shop! We encounter Bug Men, Hawkmen, Elves, Earthquake Towers, Jaws and Bigfoot! #toyventures #plaidstallions Toy-Ventures is our magazine; we’re an independent publisher trying to bring back print toy magazines; if you would like […]

5 Awesome Things on eBay this week

5 Awesome Things on eBay this week- Hagar the Horrible, Kojak, deep discount Micronauts, Inflatable Apes and the worst/best Marvel toys ever.  ( legalese: This site contains affiliate links for which I may be compensated) Excel Toys Kojak set with villain (eBay Affiliate Link) — Longtime PlaidStallions readers will know that I am borderline obsessed […]