
Kitchen Tables of the Past

Any of these look familiar? My grandparents had #3 in their apartment, which was fine by me because it was like we were eating on “Star Trek”. This trek motif worked well, as the living room was covered in a “space age” plastic and they were Scottish.

Pick a Couch, Any Couch!

I’m gonna go with the day bed, it reminds me of the dress my date wore to my sister’s wedding, we made out a little bit before she threw up in my living room. Oh, I’ve said far too much…

Sit on the Superfriends

I never run into vintage Bean bag chairs at antique malls or toy shows, they must have just been thrown out most of the time. I’m digging this Superfriends one the most. You almost get the whole Justice League in there including Batgirl, who was an odd choice. She also ended up on the Superfriends […]

Fall Into the Pit

I kind of miss the whole “Conversation Pit” movement in the 70’s, probably because I just realized that we had this set as a kid and now I want it back. Here it is. the living room I grew up in. Add a man asleep still in a suit, still cradling his first, unfinished Rum […]

The Bar of my Dreams

Were I not a happily married man, I would fill my basement with the stuff pictured above, especially that sweet combination ashtray/magazine rack. I even used to have that wood panelling, I knew I should have kept it!