
Toy-Ventures: Toy Hunting @ The Great American Garage Sale!

‘Toy-Ventures goes on tour as we head to Western New York and visit the Great American Garage Sale and That 80s Toy Shop! We encounter Bug Men, Hawkmen, Elves, Earthquake Towers, Jaws and Bigfoot! #toyventures #plaidstallions Toy-Ventures is our magazine; we’re an independent publisher trying to bring back print toy magazines; if you would like […]

BIG Toys Week: Earthquake Tower by Remco

I think this is one of the more infamous toys we’ve ever discussed on PlaidStallions. Remco sought to cash in on the Irwin Allen disaster movie craze (but not pay for it) by creating this playset that emulates a massive earthquake hitting a tower.  Earthquakes are real events, unlike King Kong or Godzilla attacks, the […]