
The 1975 Azrak Hamway Toy Catalog

In 1975, Azrak Hamway International (AHI) was a toy company on the move producing mainly, low cost rack toys bearing such hot licenses at the time such as Batman, Spider-Man, the Universal Monsters and Star Trek. It’s no surprise that the 1975 catalog is a real treasure trove for any 70s kids, there is so […]

Carnival Toys 1979

Carnival was the premier maker of toy musical instruments in the late 1970s. Their main focus was toy guitars and licensing, making sure they slapped the hottest acs of the time on their guitars (even when they primarily known for disco tunes). So join KISS, the Village People, Hulk and Spider-man (!), the Bee Gees, […]

1978 Empire Toys Catalog

Empire Toys was primarily known for two things, licensed big wheel type vehicles for kids and licensed vehicles for other companies action figures. 1978 was no exception with Empire licensing characters such as The Flinstones, Batman, Spider-Man and Mickey Mouse into a lot of fun with wheels. Check out the 1978 Empire Toys Catalog here. […]

1981 Ben Cooper Costume Catalog

Halloween around here wouldn’t be the same without the store bought goodness that is Ben Cooper. If you were a child of the 70s or 80s, then you certainly knew their product. Cooper held some of the great licenses in 1981 including the Disney characters, both the DC and Marvel comics Superheroes, Clash of the […]

Hoppity Hops for 1980

Sun Products  doesn’t exactly ring a lot of bells for for many but I think everybody remembers the Hoppity Hop. Originally devised in Italy in the late 1960s (where it was known as the “Space Hopper”), Sun dubbed it the Hoppity Hop when it was introduced in 1971 to North Americans and the name really […]