

I’m gonna be honest, as much as I loved Buck Rogers, I probably would have went with the Popeye set when I was ten. I still love that movie and well, I have a thing for Shelly Duval… Check out our Instagram Get the expanded digital edition of Rack Toys here.

The Great Sci-Fi Toy Slump of 1979

It’s really hard to believe but in 1979, Star Wars and other Sci-Fi related toys hit a major slump. So much so that many retailers considered it all a “fad” and stopped ordering new items. This article taken from a “Toys, Hobbies and Crafts” magazine interviews major buyers and the vice president of Mego about the […]

Bendy Buck Rogers and Twiki

This past weekend I was grateful to recieve a surprising package from Jason, my podcast partner. If you had asked me to guess, I’d have never gotten it right but somehow it’s the perfect gift. More after the jump: So, it may be obvious to listeners and readers here that Brain loves hisself some Buck […]

Larami Toys 1981 Catalog

In 1981, Larami was celebrating it’s 20th year of bringing low cost licensed “Rack Toys” to children around the world. This year was no exception with licenses like the DC and Marvel comics Superheroes, Barbie, Fat Albert, Flash Gordon, Dick Tracy, Mighty Mouse and the ever present Popeye, Larami had something for any kid to […]

PodStallions 16: Buck or Starbuck?

Episode 16 finds us going “Full On Glen A Larson” with a delving into his seminal science fiction works. Even though we touched upon both of these shows in episode 7, neither Jason nor Brian felt we did either justice. Episode 16 goes deeper into both Battlestar Galactica and Buck Rogers and sees our hosts […]

Buck Rogers Bubb-A-Loons

Say that five times fast. I do admit to loving the smell of this stuff and the fact that imperial did three different types of card art for the same item.  Rack Toys: Cheap, Crazed Playthings is a limited edition 144 page book from the creator of Plaid Stallions. Order from us and get three […]