
Bean Bags: 1976

I don’t know about you all but I’d pay 3 times that for an Orange one right now. Don’t forget to join our new facebook group. Get the expanded digital edition of Rack Toys here.

The Price of Fame

It has to be a weird compliment to be so famous that your face appears on items both flattering and unflattering. Take the late Farrah Fawcett-Majors for example, her trademark smile and hair was on posters, mugs, nightgowns and things like towels and these bean chairs. Basically, these are encouraging you to place your backside […]

More Bean Bag Righteousness

That is so cool that Robin is on the other side of the Batman chair, they’re the Bert and Ernie of the Cape set. Media Exposure Time: Tekzilla named PlaidStallions this week’s Websites they can’t get enough of. They did a really long piece on the site which you can see about 28 minutes into […]