
Save on Model Kits

Aurora Comic Scene Models are a really happy part of my childhood seeing as my Dad sold them for a while and as a result, I had a good supply. I sucked at model building (still kinda do) and used them more as action figures, which I think a lot kids did. The Apes kits […]

The Top Coolest Monster Toys of the 1970’s

With October 31st a day away, it’s prime time to launch another Top Ten List, this time it’s (in my humble opinion of course) the top ten coolest Monster Toys of the 1970s. Being undead seems to be a big boon in the toy world. Even though the seventies were a far cry from the […]

Vintage Halloween Stores

Like all good Canadians, by the time you read this I’ll either be immobile from eating my own weight in Turkey or drunk, most likely I’m both right now. It’s hard work making a pig out of yourself and/or ruining a holiday memory for everyone, so rather than blog about something new, I’m going to […]

Return of the Vintage Toy Store Pictures

This has to be one of my favourite obsessions, finding pictures of toy stores and aisles past. So I’m really pleased to be coming out with Vintage Toy Stores Part Five with a collection of images that feature classic toys of the seventies including Mego Superheroes, Adventure Team G.I. Joes, Aurora Monster Models, View Masters, […]

Aurora Karate Men!

I loved this toy as a kid, when I wasn’t playing the game I spent a lot of time trying to figure out how to get the figures off the stand. They were like really muscular G.I. Joes complete with flocked hair.

Snap Together Superheroes

These kits by Aurora, Addar and AMT pretty much sum up the early seventies for me, Superheroes, Planet of the Apes and Star Trek. I had a lot of these even though I really couldn’t build or paint them worth a damn. The Aurora Superhero kits became impromptu action figures when I didn’t have the […]

Aurora Monster Models Catalog

It almost doesn’t seem fair to talk about Monster Toys and not bring up one of the most popular and influential of them all, the Aurora Monster kits. So today’s update is a look at the 1975 Aurora Glow in the Dark Classic Movie Monsters Catalog. As an added bonus we have shots from the […]