
The Top Ten Coolest Star Trek Toys of the 1970s

With the J.J. Abram’s helmed film poised to be a block buster, I thought it only fitting to do a top ten list of some of the better 23rd century items we got in the 1970s. Many might seem crude by todays standards but most have never been topped in the fun department.The 1970s were […]

A double shot of AHI toys

This new addition to the AHI Batman Gallery was a gift from my friend Bill. I’ve stared at it for a long time before I realized it wasn’t on the site. The card is just killer, I love that Batman. To my surprise I won this Bendy Creature from the Black Lagoon with little to […]

Spider-Man pops a Wheelie?

You don’t see a great deal of AHI stuff in department store catalogs but the Zoom cycles were a little higher price point and combined superheroes with Evel Knievel, so it’s a no brainer. This page is from the 1976 Azrak Hamway Catalog and shows that Spider-Man, Batman and Doctor Zaius were in the coolest […]

1978 plus Remco Equals Spiderman!

In 1978, Remco, a division of Azrak Hamway International, figured out a way to get in on the Superhero action figure business long held onto by their rivals at Mego. Energized Spiderman was more statue than action figure (most likely due to licensing restrictions) but he was a giant hit in 1978 and the line […]

Parachuting Penguins and Jiggly Frankensteins

More additions to our growing gallery of Rack toys, this is a nice carded example of a parachuting Penguin figure from Azrak Hamway. (Photo Courtesy of Bill Frost)Check out the AHI Batman Gallery for previous entries. On the Monster front, I’ve finally gotten my hands on a Frankenstein Jiggler from AHI, I really dig his […]

The Top Coolest Monster Toys of the 1970’s

With October 31st a day away, it’s prime time to launch another Top Ten List, this time it’s (in my humble opinion of course) the top ten coolest Monster Toys of the 1970s. Being undead seems to be a big boon in the toy world. Even though the seventies were a far cry from the […]

More Monster Rack Toys

With Halloween appraoching, it seemed like a great time to showcase all the little additions I have for the various Rack Toy pages on the site. It’s all about the Monsters this week. Above is a carded Azrak Hamway Frankenstein, later issue than the one previously featured on the site, the card now includes Dracula […]

More Parachuting Superheroes and Apes

My pal Bill sent these images on a few weeks ago and I forgot all about them, here is a parachuting Planet of the Apes Doctor Zaius and notice he’s packing heat. Zaius is dropping and this time it’s personal…. Parachuting Robin from the Batman series of toys is logical but damn, he’s a tough […]

The 1979 AHI Catalog means more Rack Toys!

Another fabulous voyage into the world of Rack Toys with the 1979 Azrak Hamway International catalog. Gone are the cool Universal Monster and Planet of the Apes toys of a few years eariler but AHI has continued to expand on it’s comic book offerings mostly inspired by the Incredible Hulk and Fantastic Four television series.All […]

Blah! A New Trading Card!

I managed to squeak out a few new Plaidstallions Trading cards this month and while they are not in my hands yet (soon!) I thought I’d share the first one now.The AHI Monsters were an easy choice for card #5, I’ve grown rather smitten with them since I started covering rack toys for the site […]