
Osmond Mania!

I’m finally coming to grips with the actual amount of time I probably spent watching the Donny and Marie show, sure the choice to watch it was made by my older sister, who at five years my senior could totally take me.  However, I will attest to kind of enjoying the experience. I watched a lot of […]

Donny and Marie meet Donny and Marie.

This shot from 1977 pictures Donny and Marie inspecting their toy namesakes at a Mattel Expo where they were guests of honour. Other notable displays at this show involved Mattel’s new line of Shogun Warriors, Slime, Pulsar and Welcome Back Kotter toys. Sadly, the article only mentions those and this is the best picture I […]

Hasbro Charlie’s Angels for 1977

  The 1976 TV debut of Charlie’s Angels was somewhat reviled by TV critics but a runaway hit with the audience which not only included men but young girls who saw the crime fighting trio as role models. This lead to merchandising and in 1977 “Angel Mania” hit toy shelves, Farrah Fawcett and Jaclyn Smith […]

1977 Hasbro Super Joe Catalog

After folding the G.I. Joe Adventure Team in 1976, Hasbro sought to give their rugged man of action a massive overhaul. Thus SuperJoe was born, bearing little resemblence to the soldier of the past, Joe had lost four inches of height and the G.I prefix. Superjoe was now set in the far off future and […]

1977 Hasbro Weebles Catalog

Time for another trip to Weeble Town! 1977 saw Hasbro aim for action and adventure with the addition of Tarzan (?) and their own portly crusader Super Weeble! It seems fitting to do Weebles around Christmas time as they’re really kind of the thing a lot of folks got under the tree. Not me though, my […]

1977 Centisible Catalog

Centsible is best known for their inflatable line of boxing gloves called “Socker Boppers” which sold for decades. The thing I remember most about these was getting the seam in the face, which hurt a whole lot when your sibling  opponent is five years older than you (what was my dad thinking?). The company had […]

1977 Johnny’s Toys Catalog

Located in Kentucky, Johnny’s Toys was one of those independant Toy retailers you sorely miss in this day and age. The store was very customer friendly, sending children birthday cards that contained a key that could unlock a free gift on their next visit. In addition, they printed these fun catalogs that showcased some of […]

Scenes from Toyfair 78 Part Two

The Fisher Price Sky Surfer was a rare dud for the Adventure People, it was recalled that year for being defective. A teeny tiny glimpse of the amazing onslaught Kenner had prepared to meet ravenous Star Wars demand in 1978. You can kind of see a whole mess of 12 back figures back there, excuse […]

Checking out ‘Zilla

This is the Mattel booth at a regional toyfair where the newest thing is the Mattel Shogun Warriors Godzilla doll. In the background I can see more Shogun Warriors and the Galactica Logo. Call me a nerd but I really dig on this vintage toy industry insider stuff.