
1977 Denys Fisher Cyborg Catalog

“On a doom laden day 2250 the Trembling Earth came face to face with the holocaust! The pernicious plan of direful destruction launched by the MUTON- an alien master- from the death black reachs of space!”In the mid seventies, UK Toy Maker (and the inventor of Spiro-Graph) Denys Fisher took a Japanese Toy called Henshin […]

1977 Big Jim Catalog from Spain

While Big Jim rode off into the sunset on the back of a Howler motorcycle in 1976 in North America, his story does not end. In much of Europe, Big Jim enjoyed much more success, actually running until the mid 1980s. 1977, Big Jim was carried in Spain by a company called Congost, who carried […]

Forgotten 70s Superheroes Part 2

1976 saw the arrival of “The Peacock” a man whose super powers were derived from his own high self esteem, sadly his book fell victim to the DC implosion in the late 70s. The character resurfaced in the mid eighties as “The Cosby Sweater” but only managed a few appearances as a back up feature […]

Goldman Doll Readied

Thursday, March 24.1977:CINCINNATI (AP) – First, Kenner sold millions of the Six Million Dollar Man Then, there was a scramble for the Bionic Woman. Now, the nation’s second-leading toy manufacturer is,about to unleash its- newest bionic spinoff—the Oscar Goldman doll. Goldman is the character on both television series who watches over the two superheroes and […]

Tree Tots

I mocked this stuff plenty when it came out (as a seven year old boy would upon seeing an icky girl’s toy) but honestly I’ve always thought this set was really cool. Please don’t call me a sissy, I really couldn’t handle that right now….

Star Wars is Gone it’s Sales “Force” isn’t….

December 12, 1977- “Star Wars” is gone, but don’t think it’s forgotten. Though the movie closed out a 20-week run in Traverse City last week, sales of spinoff merchandise still are expected to run strong this Christmas gift-buying season. The “Star Wars” collector can startwith authorized editions of paperback books, comics, calendars and iron-on transfers […]

SLIME: No Redeeming Social Merit But it Sells

August 5 1977– Slime is not a B film playing second bill to “Sheba, the Slug Queen” at the local drive-in. It is, rather, a moist, sticky, six-ounce gob of gelatinous goo. It looks like something extremely rude.The novelty item also sticks to drapes, carpets, furniture and hair. And it sells. “We can’t keep it […]