
Monster Jigglers!

October seems like the perfect month to show off the two newest additions to the AHI Super Monsters Gallery on the site. Above is of course, the Wolfman, which I almost didn’t get thanks to a spotty seller on ebay. And the Mummy (these guys are hard to photograph) which I’d like to point out […]

Apes attack in the UK!

How can you not love Youtube? That’s where I found this home movie footage of a live Planet of the Apes appearance in Plymouth Hoe circa 1975. I know I say this far too often but had I been exposed to this level of awesome as a child, it would have reduced me to a […]

Man Mates Rise Again

It’s been too long without an appearance by the JC Penney ManMates models, so with their fists clenched proudly, I bring you three confident men who truly know the words “coordinated”! May they someday rise again! Christmas in the 1970’s Book Update We have new image up at the Christmas in the 1970’s blog and […]

G.I. Joe Action Team Catalog

G.I. Joe in Europe experienced a massive change in 1975, when the ladies came over! That’s right, German adventurers Hard Rock, Tom Stom and John Steel were now joined by Super Peggy and Super Sandy. There was no kitchen playset in the action team, these women were full fledged adventurers! Other surprises this year included […]

Lee Majors checks out Kenner’s Six Million Dollar Man

The title of this post could have easily been “Lee Majors plays with himself” but I had a rare bout of restraint. Also in this picture is Kenner President Bernard Loomis, the man who made the decision to make Star Wars figures 3 3/4″ and very responsible for changing the action figure landscape. Bionic Favourites:

1975 Fisher Price Catalog

Fisher Price created some of the most durable and well remembered toys of our life time, if you’re a 70/80’s kid, you likely had wonderful afternoons with the little people and possibly graduated to the real world action of the Adventure People. 1975 was an amazing year for Fisher Price, not only did they launch […]

The Green Team

This 1976 NBC series about a pair of crusading loan officers helping people consolidate their debt load, relied too much on accounting jargon and featured little to no action sequences, save for when Stanley and Lamar would run for coffee. The show was decimated by ABC’s “Starsky and Hutch”, which held the same timeslot and […]

1975 Marx Play Set Catalog

Marx is the rolls royce of playsets, having gone from their hey day in the 1950s and 1960s, they still had a little fight left in them by the mid seventies. While miles away from their former glory, they were cranking out a toy that delivered hours of play in a little box. Related Links:Buy, […]

Inaction Heroes

I’ve got a real appreciation for these well sculpted Marx figures now but I have to be honest, as a kid I did not enjoy them. Occasionally I’d find a Superhero or a soldier in someone’s toy box and think “who’d want this?”. I guess I was spoiled by Mego at that point, so much […]