
1975 Hasbro GI Joe Catalog

1975 was a very good year for G.I. Joe, well at least from where I stood, seeing as I was five at the time. The whole Joe line got a make over including the man himself  a new more muscular body, gone were the solid boxes in lieu of blister cards. The Ad campaign this year was […]

1975 Pied Pier Toy Catalog

I’ve never heard of Pied Piper Stores, not surprising, as I didn’t grow up in California in the 1970s. No doubt they were one of the many “Mom and Pop” toy store chains that at one magical time dotted our landscape. One thing i do know is that Pied Piper stores had a pretty grasp […]

Dare Devil Rider?

   I think this figure from Durham wonderfully illustrates the true joy and cheap chicanery often involved with Rack Toys. The packaging is enticing and vibrant, not to mention well done. It promises action with a slightly “Evel Knievely” setting.  The figure however,  is a chubby guy with a flag, who looks like he might […]

Bat Lab

The mobile Bat Lab by Mego is one of those “I missed a meeting as a kid moments” as I have virtually no memory of this item. As far as I know, I never saw it in a store, nor on television, despite friends telling me they had it growing up and it definitely was […]

Revenge of the Lincoln Monsters!

Life is strange, if you had asked me 30 days ago if there was going to be a Lincoln Monster update in the Halloween blog posts this year, I’d have answered no.  Truth was, there wasn’t much by the way of things to update. Then all hell broke loose and I’ve got more than I […]

Build your own Star Fleet command!

Anyone who has read this blog knows how many of these kits I ruined with my lack of talent/patience as a kid. I think that bridge got reissued in the early nineties and I still messed it up! These days, I just love them from afar… Visit the 1975 AMT models Catalog

1975 Mattel Hot Wheels Catalog

Mattel launched the HotWheels brand in 1968 and the free wheeling 1:64 scale muscle cars became a household world by the early 1970s. By 1975, the brand was doing what it does best, creating great looking cars and complicated racing playsets, a formula they still use today. 1975 Hot Wheels Catalog

Camping with Big Red

When I last posted about Spiegel Catalog exclusive “Big Red” I had never heard of him. However, I got a ton of email from you lot saying that you not only had Big Red but that you loved him! So here is Red’s offering from 1975!

The Victim Mystery Solved

For years now, it’s been bugging me if this 6 inch fashion doll that has been dubbed “The Victim” and said to be part of the Lincoln Monsters line of toys was a real thing or not. I had heard from people over the years who claimed to have her as a kid or saw […]