
Marx Safari Adventure Catalog

In the 70s, parents groups had pretty much ruled out the concept of killing each other by stomping on war toys but it was still perfectly fine to shoot animals. Everybody was doing it, Big Jim, G.I. Joe, the Adventure People (OK they never had a gun) and this great series by Marx simply called […]

Bionic Tattoos

I had never heard of these before finding them on ebay last month, what a perfectly wonderful and logical idea. I’d have been all over this concept as a kid. As an added bonus, I’ve made one of the stickers printer size, so let’s all print it out and wear one to work today, come […]

The Defenders :1975 Hasbro Catalog

So you’re Hasbro in 1975 and everybody is cutting into your G.I. Joe profits with dolls named “Mighty Gary”, “Fighting Yank” and “Mr Action”, what do you do? You rip them off of course! That’s exactly what Hasbro did in 1975 with “The Defenders” a fairly cheap blow molded doll (whose head would later be […]

There are 50 Adventures of G.I. Joe

And I want every single one of them! Argh! I’m not really a Joe collector but about once every 4 years, I go on this insane bender, where I purchase as much as I can find and afford. Eventually I came to my senses realising a) I’m broke and b) I have no room to […]

Rack Toys of the Apes

At this past weekend’s Motor City Comic Con, I made the aquaintence of toy dealer Bob Serna, who had the most Planet of the Apes toys I’ve ever seen available for sale in one place. I spent the majority of my cash with Bob and I’ll probably be going back for more shortly, here are […]

More Scenes from Toy Fair 1975

This is the Hasbro booth for 1975, that’s the suer awesome G.I Joe Skyhawk zooming over these gentleman’s heads. From left to right they are Jim Camilleri, Jack Kipperman and Merril Hassenfeld, the man who put the H in Hasbro. Neat! 1976 Hasbro G.I. Joe Catalog B. Goldberg and J. Romain are off the see […]

Trouble Patrol

I never had the Kenner Trouble Patrol but I sure remember the Comic Book ads for this, a rogue motor cycle cop who crashes through the bank and mows down the culprits. I don’t think you’d get away with this anymore. I also love that one of the robbers is wearing “Crook” on his shirt, […]

Scenes from Toy Fair 1975

I love these little black and white vignettes taken from the floor of the NYC toy fair, while almost every square inch of toy fair is now covered by the “nerd media” (That ain’t a dig BTW, I’m a card carrying member) it’s hard to find good photos from the 70s. My dad was actually […]

The Six Million Dollar Man Trading Card

It pretty much had to happen, Card #20 is the Six Million Dollar Man and for good reason. My own mother will tell me how she was almost trampled to death at a Zellers store trying to get me this guy for Christmas 1975, (she succeeded) One of the problems of working on this blog […]

Me and Spidey : Easter ’76

I’m too full of chocolate and coffee to do anything like Colouring Book Theatre today but I thought I’d share this fun shot of me and Mego Spider-Man (who does not have a great view) on Easter morning, I’m guessing in 1976. I am assuming that there was some sort if law that children had […]