The stuff dreams are made of, a spinner packed to the gills full of rack toys by Henry Gordy inc. Imagine finding this in some long forgotten hardware store somehere. I’d fill my car with Superman Ball Blasters…
I don’t get the Hulk handcuffs though unless he was kinda kinky.

I always get this bizarre compulsion to make my own rack toys. Hit the dollar store, buy a few cheapo toys, printout backer cards featuring Tarzana dn Aquaman and Batman and add a UPC code from something that costs about a buck at Walmart…Sneak it onto the store and put it on the shelf. Heh heh heh…My evil plan could work…
It was all about the package. The Batman whistle was a priceless treasure… till you took it out of the package and it became just a damn whistle.
Is that Silly Putty in the shape of the Hulk’s head? Wow.
Ditto what Gilligan said. LOL
LoL…Ball Blaster…too funny.
Speaking of rack toys, I miss those parachute-clad metal cap bombs that came with a box of rolled red “powder-dot” caps or whatever those were called. I used to assemble the bomb with the parachute, then analyze it and say to myself, “Why does a bomb need a parachute? To keep victims in suspense?”