Space Shield and Space Sword

Does anyone remember these? I had both of them, they were Star Wars knock offs that somehow transcended their source material.
I’m not sure if these were sold stateside but I imagine they were. The sword (lightsabre) itself was ok but that shield just set it out of the stratosphere. It acted as a sheath and had all kinds of cool doo dads on the inside.
If anyone has any info on these puppies, drop me a line!
I had this set as a kid… I could fend off most anything with that shield! DIrt clods (with rocks), BB’s you nmae it this thing was a lifesaver!
I remember getting just the sword for christmas 79 was perfect for smacking my sister when she got into my Star Wars figures
I had this, too. It came from a Ben Franklin dime store. I remember the header card art had a robot on it that looked like one of Ming’s troops from the Filmation Flash Gordon series. It was the coolest toy sword out of several I went through–it even glowed in the dark!
I had this as well and it came from a Ben Franklin store as well! I didn't know it came with a shield. I look for these on eBay from time to time. I did find it, but didn't have extra money at the time. Maybe one day.
I had just the sword also, I used it to duel my grandmother.