PodStallions 16: Buck or Starbuck?

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Episode 16 finds us going “Full On Glen A Larson” with a delving into his seminal science fiction works. Even though we touched upon both of these shows in episode 7, neither Jason nor Brian felt we did either justice.
Episode 16 goes deeper into both Battlestar Galactica and Buck Rogers and sees our hosts divided on which is their favourite, Jason uses cubits as currency whereas Brian wears a lot of white spandex (it’s not pretty).
As always we get into merchandising, particularly toys, discuss Canadian television, Major Matt Mason, colouring books, 1966 Batman, Marvel comics, Mego’s Micronauts and Kenny Everett along the way. We have focus issues.
Episode 16 goes deeper into both Battlestar Galactica and Buck Rogers and sees our hosts divided on which is their favourite, Jason uses cubits as currency whereas Brian wears a lot of white spandex (it’s not pretty).
As always we get into merchandising, particularly toys, discuss Canadian television, Major Matt Mason, colouring books, 1966 Batman, Marvel comics, Mego’s Micronauts and Kenny Everett along the way. We have focus issues.
Show Links:
- The Buck Rogers Coloring book mentioned in the show was made by adults who did not care.
- The Marvel comics BSG title ran longer than the series.
- Original commercial for the Battlestar Galactica Colonial Warrior figure
- Captain Lazer has his own website.
- Larami made some crazy Battlestar Galactica toys.
- HG Toys Buck Rogers catalog.
- Commercial for Mego’s different 3 3/4″ science fiction lines like Black Hole, Buck Rogers and Star Trek.
- The crazy repackaged Micronauts Star Defender became the Buck Rogers Star Searcher, if anyone has one of these for sale, email me.
- Bendy Toys Buck Rogers and Twiki are foam rubber goodness.
Glen A. Larson was with the Four Preps. They influenced the Beach Boys with songs like "26 Miles," "Big Man" and "Down By the Station."