Pod Stallions Episode 7: Battle Beyond the Star Wars

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Originally we were going to do our Empire Strikes Back show but then realized that discussion of all the other Sci Fi properties of the late 1970s would have left us with a four hour show.
So, Episode 7 lovingly talks about all those “other” SF movies of the disco era from the feety pajamas of Star Fleet to Gil Gerard’s unforgiving spandex to Vic Morrow’s robot love, no cubit is left unturned.
As usual, there are some detours along the road in the form of discussion of British comics, Wilfred Hyde White and why threes never work..
Show Links:
- A gallery of covers from the British “Look-In” comics.
- A page from the Look-In Logan’s Run TV series comic
- The never produced Logan’s Run Mego Figures.
- The interesting opening to the Buck Rogers movie.
- Jason loves this Battlestar Galactica mail away set.
- Brian thinks Mattel’s Battlestar Galactica Space Alert game might be the best hand held game ever.
- The Black Hole Laser gun that never got made.
- Brian still has nightmares about this cereal promotion.
- Klingons hawking Happy Meals, this happened.
- The weekly Star Trek newspaper strip was recently put into a collection1.
- The trailer for Starship Invasions, Canada’s greatest film.
- Caroline Munroe makes Starcrash more palatable but it’s still a mess with 40% too much Marjoe Gortner.
- Message from Space is now available on BluRay
- Now you can buy Shape of Things to come on DVD and experience the same buyer’s remorse Jason did in the theatre.
Another great podcast. The singer of the theme song to Buck Rogers is Kipp Lennon. He is a brother of the Lawrence Welk Show's "lovely Lennon Sisters." He also has written and recorded several songs for The Simpsons that are on the soundtracks. However, contrary to what the liner notes and the TV credits say, he is not singing on "Lisa, It's your Birthday." That was sung by a guy with the initials M-J that was big in the 80s.
Cool trivia that I did not know but now will carry to my grave, thanks!
"I'm fascinated by Debbie!" HA HA. Best line. Make some more!!!