PlaidStallions Weekend News-O-Rama
Toy Show Alert! I’m setting up next Sunday at Canadian Toycon / Fantasy Gaming Expo in Burlington, Ontario. I’ll be selling copies of Rack Toys and Megozine (have I even mentioned that here before?) as well as a dozen tubs of vintage toys that I have no room for. What’s cool is that my pal Monster Matt will also be setting up and he was responsible for this painting that was featured in Rack Toys:
I’ll be giving out postcards of the AHI Frankenstein painting, so you can get him to sign it as well. It’s a terrific show, well worth the drive from Western NY and by all means bring the kids, plenty for them to do, even a costume contest. If you do come, don’t be a stranger, please say hi.
Show details here (note this is a new venue)

Message from Space, possibly my favourite of all Star Wars knock offs is coming to DVD this April. This Japanese film stars my martial arts hero Sonny Chiba and a slightly tired looking Vic Morrow in a race to save earth from some silver faced invaders. This crazy film was a channel 29 staple and one very close to my heart.

In other DVD news, sometime last year Warner Archive released Korg 70,000 BC with little fanfare. That needs to be corrected because it’s one of those lost Saturday morning shows I’m sure some people are looking for and hopefully more will come of this.
The adventures of a prehistoric tribe, Korg was a little too educational for this five year old (I was all about Dinosaurs being mixed in with my cave people) but I remember it being very well made. This show never left my memory because my local variety store had the board game on display until the late 1980s when either someone bought it or they threw it out because it was so sun faded.
Anyway, that’s my Sunday wrap up, I’m off to put on pants and see some Flea Market Gold, you should too…
Somewhere in my head, adrift amongst all of the useless junk that populates it, was buried the most important memories of Freakies cereal and those wonderful rubber figures.
Thanks for shaking that dust off!