It came as a great surprise to me that the blog will be six years old this coming Tuesday. It’s a surprise for a number of reasons, a) I never really had anything close to a plan when I began doing this and b) I figured out the anniversary a week before it happened.
It’s been a feat in of itself, I never had the resources other sites do such as backing or a stream revenue, heck in six years I think I’ve been comped two DVDs but I’d still do it again if I had to.
So by way of celebration, I thought I’d create a post about all the things I’m most fond/proud of and hold a contest for free toys and swag. More after the jump.
Six years Later…Things I’m happy about
I can’t imagine going back to 2006 and visiting my then sleep deprived self and showing him what the future held. Normally I have the attention span of a two year old who’s had his first Mr Pibb but I’ve stuck to this and that’s because of my favourite thing:
I can honestly say the #1 thing about running this site has been the incredible, generous outpouring of support I’ve received over the years.
Whether it’s been funny comments, sharing photos or humiliating stories via nerd therapy sessions, it’s just made it so damn easy to keep at this.
I’m probably jinxing myself here but the interweb is known for being a fountain of negative vibes, especially when it’s pop culture related, it’s nice to have a haven where that ain’t the case.
Creating the site has introduced me to so many wonderful like minded folks who now are a part of my life that I can’t list you all!
I sincerely thank all of you for this.
2) I made an action figure and somebody actually bought one
I would have never imagined in 2006 that I would somehow be doing something like having the Brick Mantooth doll made in China. My psyche certainly wouldn’t allow the concept that anyone would care. While I’ll never get rich producing these figures, break even doesn’t look impossible and well, that’s amazing in of itself.
3) It caused me to write a book and created a life change
Folks I met while working on the site got me heavily interested in Rack Toys, which inspired me to write this book. In order to properly create it, I went back to college and got my accreditation. Now I’m forming my own publishing company, it’s scary and exciting at the same time. Above is the new cover design BTW, you saw it here first!
Looking like August release for this, I was hoping June but you know….
4) The discoveries AKA sharing is fun!
The Plaidstallions “Year Six” Contest
It’s been a while since I had a contest and it seems fitting that I utilize some fashion mockery in the process.
All you have to do it caption this picture in anyway you deem fit. Please take note of Mr.3’s serious gaze. Send your submission (along with your address) to this email.
I’ll draw the eleven winners on Saturday April 28th.

Grand Prize: A limited edition Brick Doll
One winner will receive their choice of either the next Man Mates fashion or the first in the Project:Mantooth series of figures courtesy of Odeon Toys.
Runner Up Prize: Plaid Stallions 70s Prize Packs!
It’s a grab bag of 70s joy including classic toy trading cards, stickers and other fun stuff laying around my office/lair.
And that wraps up another year of 70s joy, I still plan to keep working on expanding the site for the next twelve months albeit at a slightly slower pace while I wrap up this book and a few other projects I can’t mention right now
Look for more toy galleries, rack toys, Brick stuff and of course, fashion mockery from me in the next 12 months.
Congratulations on all the great accomplishment- this site has been a big inspiration to create my own toy blog, a constant source of joy for me 🙂
Best, Colin
all the best wishes for a wonderful site that brings a lot of happy memories come flooding back every time i visit.looking forward to getting the book here in sunny london.cheers
Congrats! This blog sure does bring back the memories of my misspent youth. Thank you.
Congratulations on six great years. I always enjoy Plaid Stallions' trips down memory lane, and your success with Brick Mantooth and the upcoming book is an inspiration to us all out here in the blogosphere. Keep on truckin'!
Congrats on six great years. Keep on keepin' on!
Congratulations! I once got some trading cards from you. Did Toy Hunters ever get a hold of you? It may have been too late for this season, but perhaps next season. I honestly know of no one that would be better for that show than you.
Happy sixth anniversary! You run a great site here.
Congrats on the anniversary! Your site is awesome and always puts a smile on my face. And you've been really cool about letting me use some of your imagery in my own blogs. You're a humanitarian! Please keep up the great work. Look forward to the book.
Congrats Brian! I love the DVD, cards, and halloween costume. You have really taken me back and helped me refind some great lost memories!
Happy 6th anniversary. I stumbled joyously on the site in June 08 and have been daily since. Many other sites and blogs have caught and lost my attention in that time but I keep riding the plaid stallion.
What we need next is Brick Mantooth: The Movie (or at least a mention in Anchorman 2).
Congrats on your anniversary Brian & I want you to know how much enjoyment I've had reading your blog over the years.
Greetings from Monster Cafe Saltillo! Your blog is awesome as is MegoMuseum! Thanks so much!