Old School Decks

Old School Decks

These look a lot like “V” brand skateboards that my dad sold during the late 70s, I still have my childhood one under my desk as I write this. Sadly, my skateboarding antics came to a very bloody conclusion in 1989…

About The Author

AKA Brian Heiler author of "Rack Toys: Cheap, Crazed Playthings" and co-editor of "Toy-Ventures Magazine". Co-Host of the "Pod Stallions" podcast. Host of the Brick Mantooth Youtube channel, painter, designer, writer, mental health advocate, toy collector, Mego, and Mego Knock-Off enthusiast. I have large feet, ADHD and I live in Canada. Talk toys, not others.


  • Autumnforest on August 31, 2010

    That yellow one was my first skateboard in around…75? I was the first kid in my neighborhood with one and taught myself all the tricks and made up names for them because there were no videos or California culture in the East Coast to teach me that stuff. Believe it or not, I could do serious moves on that board!

  • By the time I was old enough to own a skateboard(and wow did my mom fight it, never did buy me the wheels!) it was already those 80s style big boards. But not long ago, being a jackass, I tried one of these vintage style boards. Wow, very difficult. How there weren't more skatetalities I don't know.

  • Arkonbey on August 31, 2010

    You must relate the story of the End of Antics!

    I remember riding the 'banana board' over rough sidewalks in Boston years ago. Crazy. Long before safety was invented.

  • DVC on August 31, 2010

    My big brother had a 'Free Former', back before he got suckered-in by the whole BMX craze — tough stick to learn on ; )

    My little brother became a new-school skate maven for a while, in the 1980s. I wonder how some of those guys are doing (and their knees…)

  • Plaidstallions on September 1, 2010

    Arkonbey- I knew this guy with a huge German Shepherd and he convinced me to let the dog pull the board.

    The minute I got some speed going, he called the dog to his side, I went down like a plane with no landing gear.

    It was one of those tiny clues that I had befriended a sociopath.

  • Arkonbey on September 2, 2010



    Thanks for sharing! I had my own End of Antics story, and while it may be as painful as yours, it is nowhere near as funny.

  • John III on September 3, 2010

    Those 70's boards were death boards. I tried one once…NEVER AGAIN. Then those big 80's boards came out and I lost interest anyway. I stuck to my bike and decided to live.

  • Anonymous on September 5, 2010

    i still got my Super Free former, in my closet.

    Cool pic

  • Anonymous on May 23, 2011

    Yo tengo la azul con naranja en perfecto estado, es del año 1978, en mi barrio el que tenia una de estas estaba totalmente adelantado a la moda y era el mas cool, si le interesa a alguien, se la vendo, mi msn es: ddelgadillog@hotmail.com

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