Odeon Toys to Re-Release Brick Mantooth Action Figure
Recently ressurected toy maker Odeon Toys (http://www.odeontoys.com/) announced today that they would be re releasing their hit action figure “Brick Mantooth: Action Model” to toy stores in 2010.
Released originally in 1975, the Mantooth doll was a tremendous hit which current Odeon toys president Victor Machismo Sr attributes to one key factor, manliness. “Brick had more testosterone than any other toy on the market, he was more bionic than Steve Austin, his fists smashed through GI Joe’s puny Kung fu Grip” Machismo adds ” And Big Jim took one look at Brick and ran like the fancy little princess that he was“While Odeon released a number of outfits and vehicles for Brick including the “Mantooth Party Van”, current releases for Odeon Toys simply include the original action figure and potentially some of his “manmates” outfits.
The Brick Mantooth doll will come as shown and sold in a replica solid box at the Plaidstallions.com website. It will be on display at the EMCE toys booth at this weekend’s 2010 Toy Fair (http://www.emcetoys.com/). For more on Odeon toys please check out their website http://www.odeontoys.com/ Be sure to check out the Mego Museum today for an equally cool announcement regarding all things 8 inch action figures.Visit the Mego Museum Forum for more good news!Just an aside, this is totally legit, no foolin’, I’m making a Brick Mantooth action figure in 2010.
Many thanks to my creative partners in crime, Scott C Adams, Steve Moore and Sean Sansom, Joe and Paul from EMCE for the tremendous help to make this dream come true!Stay Tuned!
the package likely cannot be lifted from the weight of all of the awesome it contains…
What's that he's holding, a better version of R2D2? 😛
Best wishes on the figure, I'll be picking one up when it comes out. I hope to see a Guy Karate nemesis figure in the future.
Has the real Brick Mantooth ever surfaced?
That is just TOO cool! That toy is the pinnacle of what this website is all about!
And I believe the "package" referred to above is the mego museum?
Yep, that's the mego museum itself, we're doing two figures.
Is this an early April Fool's Gag? . . .
Nope! It's happening.
Nope! It's happening.