Monster Bendy Mystery

I picked up these little guys on Ebay UK (a lot of wonderful strangeness comes out of the UK for some reason) and while I’ve never seen or heard of them before, they did look oddly familiar…
More after the jump

While not licensed it’s pretty obvious that these two were based on the Mego Mad Monsters line, right down to colour and facial expression.

“Are you my Daddy?”

Right down the raised eyebrow!
So the burning questions I have are…
Does anyone remember having these or currently own these guys?
If so what year were they made?
Were there more in the series?
Please drop me a line if you have any light to shed on this.
The little Frankenstein looks like De Niro…
And the big one looks like Scorsese.
I used to have the Frankenstein's monster one as a child. I sold it on ebay a few years back (yes I am from the UK!). I can recall my parents buying it when I was a nipper in the mid seventies so i'm guessing it was made around then. Here's a pic I took of the old fella before I flogged him…