Mobile Suport Unit

As much as I adore all thing Mego, I have to admit that the GI Joe Mobile Support unit may indeed be the finest toy vehicle ever made. It honestly looks as if it’s from some Gerry Anderson TV show that never made it to air.
I’ve owned this piece more than once, the hard reality of it’s size (IT BIG!) has forced me to sell on both occasions. I am also not deluded enough to say there won’t be a third time….
Whoa. I had this as well. I remember that the front car section would not stay connected to the support unit. Still…lotsa fun.
Had this and I believe it's still in my mom's attic. "Aerial camera"… is that what that little whirly bird was supposed to be? Also love how this rugged vehicle came with a swank office chair for Joe to kick back in!
Man I wanted one of these!
A friend of mine had this, another had the Seawolf sub. I had the early jeep and trailer, the Adventure Team helicopter with cobra and idol and the funky airboat that came with the hammerhead manta ray. I hated that boat as with a Joe in it, it was barely above the water and a wave in the pool would cause go to take a swim. At least I didn't have the Skyhawk like another friend did which promptly ejected his Joe at max altitude and then got stuck in a tree.
I had this, too. I loved it. To me, the Adventure Team was everything. I even have an AT dog tag on my key ring these days. Go Joe!
My GI Joes were the original guys in army fatigues from the Sixties. So this later version of Joe is when the toy line "Jumped the shark".
Of course, when they downsized Joe was the true end for the doll but this version was the beginning of the end!
Respectfully disagree that the Adventure Team was anything but full of win, it's all about what year you were born in.
I'm 41 and the army stuff looks bland to me.
I have no love for RAH either but it's popularity is undeniable.
I hear ya Plaid, but how was Joe gonna take on those Commies riding in that lame a "Mobile Support Unit" and wearing those wimpie outfits!?
It's green fatigues for me!
Again..great blog!