The Metal Men Rock

I have a real fondness for the Metal Men from Zee toys. These generic looking guys used to be sold at a local hobby shop when i was a kid. I remember being confused by the lack of a back story but they were just so neat looking.
As an adult i realized that many of the Metal Men share body part with the Mego Micronauts but the liberties taken with these figures is what is so cool. I guess wish I could afford to buy more, these guys can get expensive……
This was an odd little line of figures, but I had one of them (Radon), and it was a fun toy.
Zee Toys was located in Long Beach, CA — I lived there for years, and always wondered where the headquarters used to be.
Interesting, back when toys used to require imagination to run instead of electrons.
I remember those days. And I wish I had held onto my G.I. Joe’s, they were the ORIGINAL’s damn it!