If unison Family Pajamas (or as I like to call them “Famjamas”) weren’t weird enough, now you have your parents try to bond with you by choosing Star Wars characters. While commonplace today, most parents didn’t know what a Jedi was in 1978.
BTW, “Dart Nader” is what my dentist called him once.
I do like how the kid on the right is Mr Cool. Having Darth on his chest is the coolest thing since BJ met the Bear!
Upon reading your headline, I assumed you were making a reference to the fact that the dad looks like Ralph Nader.
The daughter looks very much like a young Felice Schachter, who was in The movie ‘Zapped’ and was also one of the many girls in the first season of ‘The Facts of Life’.
My dad had enough sense to take me to see Star Wars but that was it
Star Wars would’ve been so much less cool as a kid to me if my whole friggin’ family had been that into it!
my dad thought r2d2 was called ooter ooter