Dear Santa…
I was perusinga bunch of vintage toy ads this week and thought it would be fun to do as an adult toy nerd what I did as a wee nerd, cut out the toys I want and create a wish list.
So here are three things I wish were under the tree so I would, um, not open the box or play with them.

Mattel’s Moon Base Alpha Playset- this set almost made up for the less than spectacular figures, as playsets this one is a vinyl dream. It seems weird nowadays that kids would want to play with a Martin Landau doll but dammit, we did.

Shogun Warriors Utility Belt- OMG, I would never take this off not even for showers or family functions.

Lincoln Monsters Wolfman- Seeing as they’re a buck a piece, why not bring me a whole set? I won’t mind….
As a bonus, I’ve added a vintage toy ad in case you want to create your own wish list. Just click on them to enlarge and start circlin’!
I saw the Baby Be Good doll in the toy ad. I got this one Christmas and wrote about this on my blog today
I used a piece of your scanned ad.
This is probably not an even remotely original comment, but those prices are heartbraking.