Darth Vader wants to put you in a new Chevrolet!
Thomas Berry sent me this wonderful flashback to add to the Superhero Mall Appearance Gallery. It’s the Lord of the Sith himself at Joe Romania Cherolet Dealership in Eugene, Oregon back in October 1978. Thomas also mentions a Jawa but he seems to be camera shy.
Thomas tells me he keeps these photos in a 1978 edition Vol 1 of the Funk & Wagnalls New Encyclopedia. Which he bought for $.09, at the old Safeway in Springfield OR, the same day he saw Darth.
Love the cardboard stand ups! Thanks Thomas!
Got a Vintage Mall Appearance Shot you want to share? Whether it’s from the seventies to the mid eighties. We want to see it! Drop me an email!If you want more people in costumes check out the Marvel Superheroes : Live and In Person brochure on our site. It’s chock full of early eighties characters such as Rom: Space Knight, G.I. Joe, heck even Crystar is in hereSpeaking of Superheroes: The awesome site that is Spider-Man Collector has moved. So if you’re a fan of all things Spidey, check out the new home Spidermancollector.net you’ll be overwhelmed at the amount of stuff there!
the title of today’s blog made me laugh out loud. you are at the peak of your powers!
I thought it was a clever title as well, O Towering Arch-Villain dancin’ homer.