Colouring Book Theatre: The Wolfman
‘Universal Monsters” by Golden
Continuing our Journey through this fun bit of Universal merchandise from 1990, we’re going to take a look at the Lon Chaney jr classic “The Wolfman”.
Like all the stories in this book, they are told in short vignettes devoid of any text. I really kind of like this approach although there isn’t much for me to goof on, perhaps that’s a good thing.
Anyway join Lawrence Talbot and me after the jump.

The artist seems to have the Lon Chaney likeness down pat as this doesn’t sort of resemble the man, that’s him.

Well here he looks more like Kolchak but it’s an action sequence, I’ll forgive it.

Some bad news in the form of a gypsy curse.
The Wolfman appears! after six pages of build up we’re gonna see some spectacular stuff right?

Annnd in the next page he’s dead, that was quick, a little is lost in translation.
Next Week: I’m going to ask you via a poll which you’d like to see for our final chapter from this book, stay tuned!

If you have a colouring book you’d like to guest review, I’d like to hear from you!
He totally looks like Stephen Fry in the first panel!