These TV licensed gun sets were likely made by HG Toys, who never missed the opportunity to put TV show logos on weapons. Getting a S.W.A.T rifle in my neighbourhood made you a kind of royalty back in 1977.
I personally used a stick combined with the “an-an-an-an-an-an” sound effect, which totally bit….
I think I had that SWAT set, but I'm unclear.
When I was just a little older, like ten, my grandpa showed me how to use a power sabre saw and then I made my own m-16 and ak-47 from plywood. I just drew one on the plywood, cut it out and painted it.
Sure, I got a lot of slivers, but if mom wouldn't poly up the five bucks…
Jim Henson's S.W.A.T. Babies.
Ahh, the good 'ol days when you could buy toy guns that looked real and not neon orange.
Those were the good ole days weren't they.
I had that Python from Starsky and Hutch, we had a kid in our "gang" that couldn't play with toy guns so he was always a EMT, he also couldn't be a Fireman because the Axe, his parents were straaaange.
Agreed, John III and chunky B. My childhood of the '70s seems even farther away when I see pics like this of our toy guns, compared to the cartoonish ones kids have to play with now.
Anyone remember Mattel's Marauder M16? I had that and it rocked! Not only did I fight against enemy communists, but it also did duty in my pretend Planet of the Apes world. Oh the fun! I wish I still had it…
Looks like S&H got a revolver and a .45 Colt (General Officer's Model), but SWAT got a M16 and what appears to be a P226 9mm Sig Sauer.