AHI Super Monsters on Sale!
I’ve uncovered a few sales ads for the AHI “World Famous Super Monsters” one of the more prolific and collectable Universal licensed items produced in the 1970s. The one is from K Mart in 1976, where apparently the line is getting closed out, it’s also a Valentines day sale, weird…
Here’s another clearance ad, not only for the Monsters but for the other AHI lines like their “Action Apemen” and their generic Western figures.
This is a great ad from “Hecks” featuring an image of Frankenstein and the Wolfman, it also mentions the Creature (Drool) and “The Ape Man”. Mego really brought out the lawyers fast on that one.
Ah the creature makes a rare appearance in this ad, it’s the male version. At $1.44 you could put me down for at least a gross of each, if not more, these guys are some of the best rack toys ever made.
Personally, I want the Mr. Action Doll for 88 cents!
Wow, the Levis ragdolls! I completely forgot about them, and I had one as a kid!
No kidding! Mr. Action is the man in this ad. Is that just underwear he has on? Mr. Action is ready for some "action" all right!