A Stereo Shop Far, Far Away

Francis sent in a pair of awesome Star Wars appearance shots this week, I’ll start with this awesome Chewbacca and let him explain.
I thought you might
enjoy these pics from 1978. Back story: It was announced (I think in a
newspaper ad) that Darth Vader and Chewbacca were both making an appearance at
a local stereo/audio shop in Sacramento, California. My friend and I took the bus to the
store and encountered the faux-Star Wars characters. I believe we were the only
ones there to see Vader and Chewie. It looks like I enjoyed it nonetheless.
Thanks Francis! Look for part two of Francis’s adventure in a stereo shop far, far, away next week!
So cool! Love your Indiana Jones look Francis, complete with satchel 🙂
So awesome! You guys look set to beat the Kessel Run together!
My money says that half of the bandolier is comprised of cigarette packs.