5 Awesome Things on eBay this Week- Mar 21
5 Awesome Things on eBay this week: GI Joe VS Giant Spider, Bag o’ Brains, Lady Micronauts, Popeye and Spider-Man meets Man-Wolf!
GI Joe Skydive to Danger (sponsored link)
When I turned six, my grandmother let me tag along with her to Eatons (RIP) to pick out one thing for my birthday. She left me in the toy aisle for probably a half an hour while she went to the credit department. It is one of my fondest childhood memories, looking through all those crazy GI Joe, Big Jim and Mego Superhero packages, just leisurely drinking it all in. I saw some crazy stuff, like Cowboy outfits for Joe that I would later find out were exclusive to Canada. Anyway, I chose this, which, to me, is the coolest Joe set ever. You’ve got a parachute and a giant spider. It still sets my brain afire.
Brains in a Bag (sponsored link)
My friend Courtney sent this to me and it’s something that would have been sold in “Over our Heads” in those later seasons of “Facts of Life” that have George Clooney.
Pssssst…..My wife is revisiting this series for the 100th time, please, I can’t take any more of Beverly Anne…
Microman Lady Command figure (sponsored Link)
Thanks to the Super 7 Micronauts figures, I’ve been in a real Micronaut mood lately. This is a Micronaut Mego didn’t bring to the states, the female version of the Pharoid instead, her time chamber is the Statue of Liberty. I wouldn’t have bought this at ten but OMG I’ll take one now. The above is a vintage one, but reproductions are cheap and abundant.
Popeye the movie Colorforms (sponsored link)
I’ve probably said this before, but I unabashedly love this movie, I know it’s flawed, and its production involved mountains of Cocaine (never tried), but I was ten when I saw it at the Oshawa Center. Call it my personal “Goonies,” ok? However, I’m aware it’s not for everyone. I like Harry Nilsson’s music, adore Shelly Duvall, and love comedic violence. Plus, Donald Moffat was REM on “Logan’s Run.” That’s all I got.
Whenever I mention colorforms, I also like to say that toy designer Mel Birnkrant shares all his knowledge. He probably has an anecdote about this set if you ask him on the book face, I wish more toy people were like Mel.
Cool as hell Spider-Man shirt from the 1970s (sponsored link) —
This kid’s shirt blows my mind, mainly for the appearance of (weirdly drawn) Man-Wolf! I was really drawn to these types of monster characters as a kid (Man-Bat fans represent!) so seeing them on merch always makes me smile.
Issue #13 of Toy-Ventures Magazine will feature the never-before-seen plans for the 1983 World’s Greatest Superheroes toy line and a cover featuring artwork specially commissioned for Mego’s catalogue, gloriously coloured by Robyn Adams, founder of the Mego Museum.
Toy-Ventures is our magazine; we’re an independent publisher trying to bring back print toy magazines; if you would like to support us, please check out the latest issue: https://plaidstallions.com/reboot/shop
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We co-produced this amazing action figure with White Elephant Toyz; it’s an 8″ Mego Style Officially Licensed Tura Satana figure with a beautiful box by Joeseph Linsner! Get yours while supplies last.
Knock Offs; Totally Unauthorized Action Figures the book
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GI Joe VS Giant Spider, Bag o’ Brains, Lady Micronauts, Popeye and Spider-Man meets Man-Wolf!
GI Joe, Adventure Team, Skydive to Danger, Hasbro, 1976, Microman, Lady Command, Micronauts, Takara, Robin Williams, Shelly Duval, PopEye, colorforms, Popeye movie, Mel Binrkrant, Spiderman, Man-Wolf, Marvel Comics, Kid’s Shirts,
To me- Man-wolf looks like he’s singing in the musical play: Spiderman. [Yep. That play is a real thing. Ouch.]

I like the musical scenes, + the final battle, in Popeye.
I don’t know why, the Microman toy-figure, wasn’t sold in the USA. As a kid, I would have bought one.