1978 True Value Toy Catalog

For the next little while, I’m going to devote Friday’s to features on the site, adding new toy catalogs, store pics, what I can fin relating to old toys.
Today it’s the 1978 True Value Hardware Toy Catalog, which really captures the sci fi explosion thanks to Star Wars.
A lot of great toys are representing, from Micronauts to Tobor, from Barbie to those Hungry, Hungry, Hippos, enjoy!
Not that I’m any kind of huge Star Wars collector anymore, but I wish I’d saved my first-round ‘Wars toys, like the Luke with the retractable light-saber arm and Vader with that weird vinyl cape. I had ’em right when they came out — but it didn’t take long for Luke to lose his head and ALL of them to lose their capes / sabers / whatever.