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1979 Fleetwood Toys Catalog


There is no better time capsule into 1970s pop culture than a rack toy catalog especially if it's one by Fleetwood toys.

'79 is a great example as the company had some fantastic choices, from the TV cop antics of Vega$, Chips and Starsky and Hutch, to the less popular How the West was won. Marvel superheroes both A and B list were present and we had Buck Rogers and Salvage 1 present to please the Sci Fi Kids.

Fleetwood is featured in large part in my book "Rack Toys: Cheap, Crazed Playthings" now available. For more information please click here.

Click on the pictures for an indepth look.

catalog cover
fleetwood starsky and hutch toys
Starsky & Hutch

AHI Superheroes
Marvel Superheroes
AHI Spiderman
Ghost Rider

fleetwood toys
How the West was won
fleetwood toys

fleetwood toys
fleetwood toys
More CHiPs

fleetwood toys
Marvel Superheroes
fleetwood toys
How the West was Won (again)

fleetwood toys
More Vega$
fleetwood toys
Buck Rogers

fleetwood toys

More Fun from Fleewood

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Our new book Rack Toys: Cheap, Crazed Playthings covers Fleetwood and much more.