The term "Plaid Stallions" came about when I was in high school, I have always been crazy about department store catalogues and when a close friend of mine told me his mother had a stash of 70s Eaton's ( a now defunct Canadian Department store chain), I went to her house and begged her for them.
While my friend and were pouring through them, I ripped out a page of guys in plaid leisure suits (which I believe is the one above) and said "Check out the Plaid Stallions!", my friend didn't laugh but that didn't deter me.
Years later, I was still using the word and collecting catalogues, finally in April of 2006, I created a daily blog using the name.
Although I mock the fashion styles of the decade, it's entirely done out of love, I wish the world was as bold now.
Eventually, I liked doing the blog so much that I purchased the domain name and expanded it into this site.
This site has been a crazy ride and has brought me unending joy, I've made friend, published a book and even created a mascot of our spokes model Brick Mantooth.
What is the point of this site?
It's supposed to serve certain functions, first and foremost, it's a love letter to growing up in the seventies.
The humour is meant to be gentle, if anyone is offended that I dare mock fashion, just relax, I'm aware of the irony.
I'm obsessed with toys and kid culture at the time. I also miss avocado green fridges, Saturday morning cartoons and a whole bunch of other things associated with growing up.
How do I order a Stretch Armstrong from you?
I know a site consisting of Catalogs is confusing but YOU CAN'T ORDER THIS STUFF FROM ME. I do occasionally sell on Ebay and you find my stuff here.
I have a cool old photo from 70s retail (like a toy store or a spider-man mall appearance) I'd like to submit, how do i do it?
Email Me I am especially interested in the following images:
Photos of toy stores (this include department store toy aisles) from the 1970s and 1980s. I will pay good money for these.
If you were an employee of Mego toys, AHI, Lincoln International, REMCO or you dressed up for toy store appearances in the 1970s, contact me, I'd love to do an interview with you.
Does this site have a forum?
Yes, we have a Vintage Toy Discussion Section, over at the Megomuseum Forums and that's the official PS Message Board as well. Most of the folks over there are 70s obsessed anyway. Look for upcoming adventures of Mr Mantooth in the very near future..
Who is the guy in the header?
That's Brick Mantooth, I named him after actor Randy Mantooth and a comment made in the 1975 "Doc Savage" movie, he serves as our official mascot. The character of Brick is meant to be the perfect embodiment of the 1970s, he is the stuff of myth and legend. There is no real guy named Brick Mantooth, I just wish there was. Brick was drawn by my friend and talented artist Robyn Adams of Secret Fanbase.
Who is behind all of this?
My name is Brian Heiler (which most people spell as "Brain Healer") and I've been fascinated with toys and the toy industry since I could walk, as my folks were Rack Toy distributors in the 1970s.
I'm a freelance writer and my articles and photos have appeared in publications such as Famous Monsters, Star Trek Collectibles, Toyfare, Toy Shop Magazine, Topless Robot, Lee's toy Review and SFX Magazine.
My first book "Rack Toys: Cheap, Crazed Playthings" celebrated fun toys that broke easily and sold out completely (although it's now). I am always available for freelance work, am well versed on a variety of subjects and work cheap.
I am also "Editor 'N Chief" over at the Mego Museum, the premier information site for vintage and current Mego news, most people know it for my partner Robyn Adam's amazing graphics and tend to happily ignore my creative grammar.
My passions include the 70s, vintage toy industry trade magazines, seedy taverns, schlocky old televison, cartoons, vintage commercial reels and gas station hotdogs.
I am married to the perfect woman who shares my love of antique malls/flea markets and I have two great kids, who do not enjoy those things as much.