This is a store called "Young Town" in Omaha Nebraska, the unidentified employee stands next to their window display which I can't help but notice has a Big Jim camper in it.
Speaking of Big JIm, you can see an entire endcap in this shot from the fifth avenue Kress store circa 1974. I just wish that employee wasn't blocking it.
This shot of a Lego display in 1976 also gives some nice views of Fisher Price toys, a Holly Hobby and a certain plush shark hanging from the ceiling, thenks to the movie "Jaws".
This is the "Space Toys" section of a store in Kitchener Ontario Canada called Hi-Way Market. To the left you can a HUGE display of mint in box Mattel Shogun Warriors and there is a tie fighter and Six Million Dollar Man dolls hanging from the ceiling.
The Hobby counter at Hi-Way Market which features Capsella and a Zee Toys "Metal Men" gift set.
Lots of Toy Guns for sale in this rather anonymous shot of a toy section in 1974.
A hobby shop in 1976.
This is a Woolworth's store in NYC and the gentleman on the right is from Kohner Bros. maker of those games with the Pop-A-Matic bubble as this end cap clearly points out..
Talk about a monster mash, this end cap wouldn't last long today. I'd fill my trunk pretty fast, odd they don't seem to have any Creature from the Black Lagoon.....
The model kit aisle at Macy's in New York, note the large amount of AMT Star Trek exploration kits available..
The interior of the Lionel Playworld showcases some playsets for matchbox cars.
This is the toy and hobby aisle of a NYC drugstore in 1974, I can't tell you many cool toys I bought at a drug store. If you look to the right, you'll see something familiar.
Aurora Comic Scenes and Glow Monster Kits!.
This is a Woolworth in Palatine, Ill around 1974, this end cap is for Socker Boppers, which were a hot seller for this location.
The front counter of a store called "Storkville" in St. Paul, note the counter displays for Slinky, Duncan Yo-Yos and Squirmles. You can still buy Squirmles to this day.
I know I've featured this GI Joe aisle in an earlier installment but I recently found a larger version of it and well, it's a great picture so I thought I'd show it again..
A small but neat picture of a Kresge's doll department in 1975.
A toy counter in Green Port NY, note the Corgi Batmobile in the display case.
Speaking of diecast, I'm smitten with this great shot of a Dinky store display, I'd love to get my hands on a couple of those Space:1999 Eagles....
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