Tomland Famous Monsters of Legend mini figures

The actual name on the packaging for this line "Monsters of Legend" but collectors have affectionately referred to them as mini monsters. The line is a series of two inch, super deformed style PVC figures that actually have articulation.The character assortment includes two former Lincoln monsters not made into 8" counterparts, two Star Raiders and two characters unique to the line, according the back of the card, the line contains 12 chacters:






Phantom of the Opera





Unknown red creature


tomland mummy pvc

The Mummy seems almost a cross between the Lincoln and Tomland version

tomland skeleton pvc

This Skeleton character (whom my daughter has dubbed "Skelly") never had an 8" counterpart, at least not one anybody has seen, pity.

tomland dracula pvc

Mini Monsters Dracula is the spitting image of Lincoln Dracula right down to the signature blue bags under his eyes. Note the trademark hair do.

tomland frankenstein pvc

Frankenstein looks far healthier as a mini monster, he almost looks like Michael Richards. Not as strong a resemblence to the 8" version here.

tomland phantom pvc

The Phantom looks a lot like Rainn Wilson, it's a pity Tomland didn't add him to the 8" line. Maybe he was part of a planned (or possible undiscovered) third wave that would have included the Hunchback and the Skeleton. A guy can dream....

tomland wolfman pvc

The brilliant Tomland Wolfman.

This gallery is a work in progress and could use your help If you have figures, cards or items we don't and would like to share them (or sell them) Please drop us a line!

More on Tomland and 70s Monster Dolls

My buddy Lou has a wonderful website called Megolike that discusses these and other knock off figures.

It seems Tomland and Lincoln International had some sort of connection as they both releasedversions of these Monster Action Figures.

Visit our new online shop to buy action figures and Publications.

rack toys the new book from plaidstallions

Our book "Rack Toys: Cheap, Crazed Playthings" is a love letter to toys produced by Tomland.