It's no secret I'm fond of vintage toy store flyers but getting them from foreign countries is even sweeter!
I can't read a lick of Japanese but I can spot fun classic 1970s toys.

Instead of a friendly giraffe or panda, we have a friendly "Arnold Stang" looking gentleman as our mascot. Anybody wanna tell me the name of this store?.

I'm by no means an expert on Japanese toys (though I work on it every day) but I would pontificate that this flyer is from 1974 or 1975.

The game of life looks weird there. If the Microman M-115 Conning Tower vehicle looks familiar, it should, it was later sold by Mego as the "Mobile Exploration Lab" under the Micronauts banner.

On the top right is Henshin Cyborg, a toy line that mimicss Captain Action but is way, way cooler somehow. It's hard to see Thunderbird 2 in all of this giant robot goodness but he's there.
>p> The Popy Jumbo Machinder line is the Shogun Warriors you've dreamt about. It seriously haunts me and no, I don't collect them (yet).

There isn't much difference in this page to any North American Toy Flyer of the same era.

Remote control Godzilla and Baragon are adorable.

It's kind of weird that the dolls are blonde.

I really dig the cartoony features of their fashion dolls for some reason.
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