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The Best of Fashion Mockery Part Two
It's clip show time again, that means I'm either drunk or in jail but most likely both. It's been almost five years since the original "Best of Fashion Mockery" was released onto the unsuspecting interwebs, so it seems fitting to go through the treasure trove of fun polyester atrocities we've compiled since then. So much to see and can't be unseen...
I used to think "Man Mates" was the epitomy of 70s fashion, that was, until i discovered the even worse named "Mantique". As evidenced by the jump suits above Mantique looks like fashion created by leader of religious cult that worships William Conrad . Men's clothing should never beg the question "How you do pee in that'?
While I do give marks for the "wood panelling camo" (which really would have come in handy in my house growing up) , I truly do not wish to know if wearing this sweater ever got a man laid. I fear that having such knowledge would completely deride my will to live. There is no amount of Booze and Prayer that could erase the fact that "weiner dog sweater" guy got some lovin'.

Men out for a night on the town or visiting scientists from the future? We'll just never know......

When you die, if you have truly lived your life according to the Parliment Funkadelic, these two men will greet you at the gates and take you a special part of heaven where pot is legal.

"I'm getting a little worried about my dad, he's been acting weird since Mom left.".

The Bus Station Talent Agents: New in town? These gentleman have a career in modelling for you! Say, do you wanna try some heroin? It's pretty yummy!

Nothing but a trail of broken hearts at the eighth grade graduation thanks to the double threat of the Sawitzky brothers.

It's like a snapshot of that time I wandered into the wrong hotel room.

You are looking at the red headed step child that everyone talks about.

There is nothing I don't love about this guy, the crazy over confident look, the "jacket and no shirt" combo and that little hamster he has crawling up his chest are just the perfect storm. Can't wait to rock this while I walk my daughter down the aisle.

Confidence and Pride: This is the gift that robs you of both..

Everytime I stare too long at that jumpsuit i end up passing out and wetting my pants....................dammit!.
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