Vintage Toy Store Photos Volume 16
What better way to combat the end of Summer blues than to drop a new installment in what is one of my favorites, vintage toy store photos. A journey back to the days of oddly named department stores and independent mall toy stores and chains that are fondly remembered but sadly mostly gone.
If you're digging this page, please visit our Index of Previous Vintage Toy Store Galleries for much more.
As always if you have pictures of any vintage toy stores you'd like to share, please drop me a line and I'll send you a 70's prize pack for your time
DISCLAIMER: All of these photos shown are my property, I paid (sometimes waaaay too much) for a lot of these and own them. If you do want to share them on your blog, facebook group whatever, all I ask is you give a source link back, that's it. Please don't photoshop out the logos and pretend you found them (You know who you are, guy on facebook), it's really not cool.

This end cap of Kenner Six Million Dollar Man and Bionic Woman dolls is a wonderful reminder of the world I grew up in and wish to revisit.

This is a K-Mart store in Delran NJ, my notes say it's February of 1982 which would explain the Barbie Valentine's promotion.

This fantastic Barbie display is inside a Bamburgers department store in NJ and seems to have everything Barbie related that was available in 1977.

While I'm not a big Barbie collector, I certainly love all the detail that went into this. We don't see such dedication or creativity today, let alone department stores.

I would love a display like that for my Mego Wayne Foundation, which is essentially the boy's version of a doll house..

Just another view of the Bamburger's Barbie boutique..

Vinyl carry cases, are they still a thing?

This is a Two Guys in Philadelphia around 1978, note the Donny and Marie Osmond dolls on display and I think spy a Mego Diana Ross on the far left..

This is from a store called Youngtown in Lincoln, Nebraska sometime in 1981. I miss the rampant use of pegboard in stores..

This is the Toy Shoppes in Phoenix, Arizona in 1982. An innovative local chain at the time with locations also in Scottsdale, this is probably a Starbucks now....

An interior shot of the store upon it's opening in 1982.

The Toy Shoppes maintain a vintage look despite the presence of the inescapable early 1980s video game craze in the form of both Atari and Intellivision behind the counter.
And if you haven't already, Volumes 1-15 are a pile of happiness, click the image for the full gallery.