1969 Remco Catalog
Here are some shots from the inside of the 1969 Remco Toy Catalog, where the majority of Star Trek items are very far removed from the actual series. Much of the content was reissued from a Remco line called "Horrible Hamilton" just repurposed in attractive packaging as being from Star Trek.
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The 1968 Remco Catalog
The Buzz Ray Gun looks suspiciously like the Land of the Giants gun, hmmmmmm
The Astro Tank, Copter and Cruiser are famous and very hard to get toys.
Everyone remembers when Spock put on his helmet and played frisbee right?
Star Trek Kites, they've been done many, many times but this one is the first!
The flying Rocket Plane looks somewhat un-23rd century.
The Rocket Pistol is one cool toy, I love how the package makes it look like Spock is using it.
Wow, Remco predicted the wrist communicators of the first movie ten years before they happened!
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