By 1984, all of the toy lines Remco had called staples in the 1970s were long gone, now they delved into a world of comic book soldiers, barbarians and Cyborg warriors.
The AHI brand of Rack Toys even makes a rare appearance.
After making a big splash the year before, Crystar is nowhere to be found in this catalog but the big push is action figures.
Frizzlies are still being sold to this day and have gone by dozens of names. I think they are called Squirmles now, my children have gone through dozens..
It's well known that Mattel originally thought about making Conan figures but instead made "Masters of the Universe", it makes sense that Remco pick up Conan when they knocked off MOTU. This caused a lot of friction in the toy industry as Mattel felt ownership over that weird body style.
Warlord was based on the DC comic of the same name, the Warrior Beasts are a series of cool little generic monsters that have a loyal following these days.
Remco cleverly took a page from Mego here and attempted to create a universe with the figure format, why just have fantasy characters when you can have space pirates and soldiers too?
I'm not sure Warlord had a motorcycle in the comics but Spider-Man didn't have a helicopter either, so fair game!
The Fortress of Doom is pretty impressive but I can't find evidence of it ever getting made..
Sgt Rock was a pretty great idea, although I was never sure what era it was supposed to be in.
Man Tech was the big launch in '84 with Tv commericals, even a comic book by Archie comics!
Remco went all out with a complicated center fold for Man Tech, obviously this was their big splash "Tv Toy" for the season.
It all opens up into this massive gate folded poster that's a pain in the butt to scan, I did my best click on it for alarger view.
I thin Man Tech suffered from a crowded marketplace as it didn't last long.
The Rack Toys that made the company what it was weren't completely gone, they just put different comic characters on them. They literally just took "The Hulk" off those toys and added Mr T......
And ladies, Remco hasn't fogotten you, they knocked off my Little Pony!
Zybots seemed to be in my Toys R Us for decades.... .
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For more Remco or parent company Azrak-Hamway toys, Check out these fabulous links: