
Hasbro Charlie’s Angels

I always loved how Hasbro gave the Angels a van and matching uniforms, they looked like some sort of sexy girl group. Hmmm, a sexy girl group all clad in spandex who drive around in a van and solve mysteries? I’ve got a pilot script to write. Should take me three hours, tops.

Hasbro Charlie’s Angels for 1977

  The 1976 TV debut of Charlie’s Angels was somewhat reviled by TV critics but a runaway hit with the audience which not only included men but young girls who saw the crime fighting trio as role models. This lead to merchandising and in 1977 “Angel Mania” hit toy shelves, Farrah Fawcett and Jaclyn Smith […]

1977 Western Auto Toy Catalog

Christmas is that magical time when stores that don’t normally carry toys start selling them in a big way. In my neck of the woods it was Canadian Tire but for many of you in the states Western Auto was the unlikely source of fun. Known year round for Auto parts and fire arms, Western […]